FaceNiff ist eine App für Googles Betriebssystem Android, mit der ein Hacker ohne große Probleme auf fremde Konten bei Facebook, Twitter oder auch YouTube zugreifen kann.
Thedeveloperof the software,BartoszPonurkiewicz, hasannouncedthatotherplatformswill followsoon. Via the apptoallof thoseuseraccountscanbeaccessed,whichare in thesamewirelessnetwork.
Forthehackyouneedanotherfine rootedAndroidsmartphone.Thenitonly takesabout30 secondsto logon to the target account.Wi-Finetworks thatareencryptedwithWEP,WPAorWPA2is not a problem for this app.
thanks for the info!
I want an Android... or maybe not? I don't know.. need to read up more
ouch. I'm not gonna log into those accounts when i'm on university network anymore...
Hmm, if I understand correctly what you're saying the app does, I think my webOS Facebook application does this already, without rooting or anything.
Wow, that's crazy. I should probably refrain from using mine if this is real.
That's pretty scary. :S
Finally! nice stuff man!
Android is great!
Sounds really cool!
Great info! Good heads up
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