
Android App provides quick access to other Facebook accounts

FaceNiff ist eine App für Googles Betriebssystem Android, mit der ein Hacker ohne große Probleme auf fremde Konten bei Facebook, Twitter oder auch YouTube zugreifen kann. 

The developer of the software, Bartosz Ponurkiewicz, has announced that other platforms will follow soon. Via the app to all of those user accounts can be accessed, which are in the same wireless network.

For the hack you need another fine rooted Android smartphone. Then it only takes about 30 seconds to log on to the target account. Wi-Fi networks that are encrypted with WEP, WPA or WPA2 is not a problem for this app.




Dejch said...

thanks for the info!

Corridor said...

I want an Android... or maybe not? I don't know.. need to read up more

Lich said...

ouch. I'm not gonna log into those accounts when i'm on university network anymore...

Jacob said...

Hmm, if I understand correctly what you're saying the app does, I think my webOS Facebook application does this already, without rooting or anything.


tomatis3 said...

Wow, that's crazy. I should probably refrain from using mine if this is real.

Mongole said...

That's pretty scary. :S

Genj0 said...

Finally! nice stuff man!

Anonymous said...

Android is great!

paledarkness said...

Sounds really cool!

paulz said...

Great info! Good heads up

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