
Rumor about HTC FLYER

A picture has appeared where you can see 2 Cameras on it. These correspond to 3D-Technologie.
If you look closer you will see the label "HTC Evo 3D".
With the EVO 3D, HTC has already a Mobile Device with 3D technology in the range, maybe the caption at the bottom of the picture's a indication for their new 3D device



Montana said...

Dude that looks really cool. no joke.

#19 said...

Kind of looks like some super cool spy gadget.

jope said...

cool, i would buy one

JuX said...

I wouldn't go and buy one straight away. Wait a ew generations of 3D camera phones. The first in innovation are usually sub-par and companies bring better ones out ASAP

thetruthaboutGENETICS said...

No flash?

DM said...

3-D On A cellphone is completely unnecessary.

Jandro said...

almost looks like a cassette lol.

alex said...

It's almost like James Cameron designed it... But I think it's unnecessary, as well. I mean, who records their own 3D videos these days? That's what cinemas are for.

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