
Samsung Galaxy II features you still might not know

The Samsung Galaxy II is on of the most successful Android smart phone anyway.
It has broken several sale records. Samsung has done a good job.
There, a lot of costumers won't know all its features.
Or did you know that the Galaxy S2 is the only Android smartphone now has a chipset that can encrypt data on the phone and SD card?
At a loss all data would be safe. Or did you know that you can track all Android phones with GPS if it get lost or stolen?

 I've choosed three Galaxy S2 functions for you. You can watch it on those videos below.


turtle said...

haha that's a fun feature man :)
click-click screenshot time

TDJ said...

I had to promote the new Samsung Smart TV's and this mobile has some great features. Not only the tuner but also the ability to shift the broadcast to you're mobile's screen!

Vague Raconteur said...

Man, I really, really want one of these phones! They're the best around :(

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